OMAFRA: Northern Ontario Agri-Food Strategy
The Northern Ontario Agri-Food Strategy built on OMAFRA's previous initiatives to support and grow the agri-food sector in Northern Ontario, such as the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario (2011). The goal is to strengthen the role of agriculture, aquaculture and food processing in Northern Ontario by assessing the current state of the industry, identifying opportunities and building upon them. Here are summaries of five projects that came out of OMAFRA's Northern Ontario Agri-Food Strategy in 2018.
Applied Agriculture Research Framework for Northern Ontario
This report outlines the current state of agricultural research in Northern Ontario, potential future research themes and future steps to create a stable, sustainable framework for Northern research.
Northern Meat Processing Capacity Study
This study aimed to characterize meat processing and handling systems in Northern Ontario and provides key recommendations on how to move the industry forward.
Crop Infrastructure Study
This study was conducted to support the expansion of crop infrastructure and capacity in elevators, trucking companies, feed companies and crop-based food processors in Northern Ontario.
Beef Benchmark Study
This study compared and contrasted the differences in best management practices of beef cow-calf operations in the northern areas of Quebec and Ontario.
Mentorship and Internship Options for the Agriculture and Food Processing Sector in Northern Ontario
This study reviewed options for mentorship and internship in the agri-food sector and assessed possibilities for mentorship/internship programs in Northern Ontario.