providing information relevant to Northern Ontario to help farmers be successful
Crop Management

A cropping system that plants field corn under a biodegradable plastic to improve growing conditions for the crop early on in the growing season.
A field management system that allows precision management of the variability that affects crops year to year.
Forage Management

A perennial, winter hardy, tap-rooted legume that has a high amount of protein in the above-ground parts of the plant.

Cette légumineuse à raciness pivotantes, vivace et résistante au froid, contient une quantité importante de proteins dans la partie de la plante au-dessus de la surface du sol.
Horticulture Management

A cold hardy berry with a sweet flavour that grows on a low bush plant and provides many health benefits when consumed.

Petit fruit sucré resistant au froid qui pousse sur un plant peu élevé offrant plusieurs bienfaits pour la santé de ceux qui le consomment.
Livestock Management
A housing system for dairy cattle that consists of a loose housing facility, where there are no stalls or partitions. These are usually bedded with wood shavings and the manure is composted in place and mechanically stirred on a regular basis.
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Agricultural Innovation

A factsheet on the compaction of plastic using a basket compactor. This basket compactor is part of the Northern Ontario Agricultural Plastics Disposal Pilot Project.